Knowing Bible
Now Enrolling for October 2024 to February 2025!
“The material was super organized. From the beginning, Linwood had a plan. A plan for getting you prepared to learn. First, he got you prepared on how to think, and think about learning. He wanted me to prepare myself, and organize myself. Then, Linwood would sit down, go through well thought out course material, present it, and explain his rationale. His process is extremely meticulous. Like I told him, he's a scientist with words. And he's gentle. He's going to explain anything any questions you have. The class is extremely professional, educational and enlightening.” - Carlos P. (2023)
Watch this introductory video about the course Knowing Bible
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Linwood Jackson Jr. is a seasoned educator on the Bible’s philosophy, offering profound insights and wisdom through his extensive knowledge and understanding of scripture. With a formal tone and meticulous attention to detail, he presents complex concepts in a clear and accessible manner, making what he teaches invaluable for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible’s philosophical principles.